Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sarvangasana - The All-Parts Pose
1. Lie on your back with arms on the sides and palms turned down.
2. Keep the legs together, the heels and big toes together.
3. Breathe normally and relax the whole body.
4. Pressing the palms and elbows down and keeping the knees straight.
5. Inhale and while inhaling, raise the legs together till they are perpendicular to the floor.
6. Exhale and while exhaling, increase the pressure of your palms and elbows against the floor and raise your hips and lower back off the floor and move your legs towards your head.
7. Place the palms beneath the hips and prop up the trunk and legs.
8. Sliding the palms higher on the trunk, keep on pushing the hips and the small of the back higher and raise the whole trunk off the floor till it is vertical. While doing this, bring the legs also back to the vertical position.
9. Place the palms at the back of the ribs and support the raised trunk and legs with the palms, forearms and elbows.
10. Sliding the palms higher and higher again, raise the hips and legs further till the trunk and legs are in a straight line.
11. Push the chest forward towards the chin and form a chin-lock.
12. Fix your gaze on the big toes and keep the balance.
13. Breathe deeply and rhythmically and maintain this posture for about three minutes.
14. Return slowly to the starting position in the reverse order.
15. Take a few deep breaths and then breathe normally.
16. Relax the body completely in Savasana.
* Do not attempt Sarvangasana if you have any history of serious cardiovascular disorders or high blood pressure.
* Avoid it if you are suffering from cold and your nostrils are blocked or if you have a thyroid disorder.
* Persons suffering from eye trouble should avoid this asana.
* Young persons below fourteen years should not practice this.
* Women should not do it during menstruation as the blood released at this time is often very acidic and a back-flow could damage the womb.
* Do not practice it if you feel dizzy or have palpitation while performing it.
* The principal physical benefit of Sarvangasana lies in keeping the thyroid and parathyroid glands healthy, which regulate the functioning of many vital organs of the body and stabilize the metabolic processes. A healthy thyroid will reduce nervous tension. Signs of old age, due to the faulty functioning of the thyroid, are counteracted by performing this asana regularly.
* It also activates the pituitary and thyrnus glands and keeps the prostate gland healthy.
* It prevents the untimely wrinkling of the face and premature ageing.
* The inverted position of the body in Sarvangasana, in which the feet and legs are kept higher than the heart, promotes an increased flow of blood to the thorax, neck and head on account of the reversal of the gravitational pull on the blood flow. A rich flow of blood to the brain, the scalp, face, the organs of the chest, the roots of the cranial and spinal nerves, and other vital organs and glands is ensured. Most circulatory congestions are relieved besides promoting the free flow of hormones into the blood. The reverse flow of blood also relieves the work of the heart.
* A regular practice of this asana will keep the vertebral column supple. A stiff spine can be made pliable and minor defects in its curvature are corrected. The spinal nerves are also toned up.
* The muscles of the upper arms, shoulders, neck and thighs get strengthened.
* The inversion of the body relieves any congestion of the organs in the lower part of the abdomen and the pelvis.
* The liver and kidneys get massaged and function better.
* It improves digestion and pancreatic secretion.
* It prevents the accumulation of fat around the abdomen, waist and hips.
* This asana prevents sagging of breasts in women.
* It improves the functioning of the throat vessels and the vocal cords. The voice is enriched on account of the pressure exerted on the neck and the massaging of the larynx and pharynx and all the organs of the throat.
* It enables the practitioner to have good eyesight.
* Persons engaged in sedentary occupations or whose work demands long hours of standing will find this posture ideal for easing the legs.
* A regular practice of this asana will help to regulate and normalize the weight of the body because of its effect on the thyroid gland. The practice of this asana gives relief to those suffering from palpitation, bronchitis, tonsillitis, headache, insomnia and epilepsy.
* Doing this asana regularly will prevent goiter.
* It relieves pain in the back of the neck.
* It prevents hernia and gives relief in cases of bleeding piles and urinary disorders.
* This asana has often been found helpful in the treatment of leprosy.
* Sarvangasana counteracts nervous fatigue and exhaustion.
* The continued practice of Sarvangasana prevents cold and other nasal disturbances by clearing congestion in the sinus cavities.
Sasankasana - The Hare Pose
1. Sit in Vajrasana.
2. The posterior should rest between the inner edges of the heels.
3. Keep thighs and knees together and soles upturned.
4. Inhaling, raise the arms over the head and keep them stiff and straight.
5. Palms should be turned outwards.
6. Keeping the inside of the upper arms touching the ears and holding your breath, lean backward as far as possible.
7. Exhaling and keeping the inside of the upper arms touching the ears, bend your pelvis and the whole trunk slowly forward from your posterior bones without raising your seat from the floor. While doing so, bring your head and arms down till the palms rest on the floor.
8. Slide the hands forward along the floor to the maximum extent and rest your forehead on the floor in front of your knees.
9. Keep the palms together and thighs pressing the abdomen.
10. Hold out your breath and maintain this position for about five seconds or as long as comfortable.
11. Inhaling, return slowly to the starting position in the reverse order, keeping the inside of the upper arms touching the ears and without raising your seat.
* Sasankasana stretches the shoulder girdle and the sacral region of the spine.
* The arms, shoulders and the upper back are well stretched.
* Stooping shoulders are set right.
* This posture offers good traction to the spine, relieving spinal problems.
* It also gives relief in cases of slipped disc.
* It brings a copious flow of blood to the brain and face.
* It strengthens the knees, ankles and insteps.
* Leaning backward tones the abdominal muscles and organs and improves digestive power.
Savasana - The Corpse Pose
1. Select a quiet and well-ventilated place.
2. Spread your carpet on a firm and flat surface.
3. Wear only minimum clothing.
4. Lie flat on your back at full length.
5. Rest your head in a comfortable position with the face turned upwards.
6. Stretch out your legs at full length.
7. Legs should be kept sufficiently apart.
8. Keep the knees slightly flexed.
9. Extend the arms fully and rest them lightly on their respective sides with the hands about a foot away from the thighs.
10. Palms should be turned upwards and fingers slightly curled.
11. Allow your mouth to fall open slightly.
12. Drop your chin and let your lower jaw sag a little.
13. Allow your teeth to part a little.
14. Close your eyes gently.
15. Breathe naturally through the nose and do not attempt to regulate your breathing.
16. Lie perfectly still like a corpse and persuade all your muscles to relax completely.
17. Relax your mind by freeing it from immediate cares, conflicts, worries and fears.
18. As you relax, allow your mind to run over every part and organ of your body from head to toe. Get a picture of each part in your mind and 'let go' without any conscious effort.
19. If there are any parts of your body that still feel taut, relax them by releasing the muscles.
20. Be aware of only your breath and follow its rhythm until you lose consciousness of your body.
21. As you regain consciousness of the body, take a few deep breaths.
22. Join your legs slowly and bring back your arms to their respective sides.
23. Open your eyes gently.
24. Stretch your limbs and get up slowly to the sitting position and then to the standing position.
* Do not practice under glaring light.
* Always relax on a firm and flat surface.
* Do not yawn at any stage of the practice.
* Do not keep your hands under your head or on your chest.
* Savasana, rightly practiced, pacifies the body and quietens the mind by discharging muscular, nervous, mental and emotional tensions almost immediately.
* Persons who are tense by temperament and who find it hard to relax may do it whenever they are restless or agitated and they will gain stability and balance besides feeling more rested.
* The debilitating effects of anxiety, frustration, fear, insecurity and restlessness, both physical and mental, are minimized.
* Fits of depression and emotional conflicts which are the consequences of stress will be eliminated gradually and inner peace regained quickly.
* The restful repose of Savasana imparts new vigor to the body and mind simultaneously. The whole body gets conditioned and the physical and mental capacity is considerably increased.
* Rest and calmness and the sense of well-being by Savasana repair the overworked parts of your body and they start working again more vigorously as they are recharged with energy. Your reserves of energy make good the losses resulting from the stresses of everyday life. Efficiency in work improves.
* A regular practice of this asana will enable you to strike a balance between rest and work.
* Conscious relaxation in this posture between spells of work in office or at home will counteract fatigue and refresh the tired limbs quickly and completely. It gives the maximum renewed strength in the minimum time.
* Relaxation in Savasana when you are mentally fatigued after prolonged work will improve concentration.
* Savasana enables you to overcome fatigue in a few minutes. After playing strenuous games, doing intense physical exertion, or long-distance walking, you may do this asana till your breathing resumes its normal rhythm and your heart regains its normal beat. This will eliminate fatigue and you will feel refreshed since the exercised and overtaxed parts and muscles of the body are given adequate rest and thorough relaxation.
* It is imperative that this asana is done both at the beginning and at the end of every yoga session: it should also be interspersed with other exercises to get the best benefit. If it is practiced for a brief period between any two strenuous asanas or a group of asanas, it will work off the pent up tension in the muscles and revitalize the limbs. You may also round off a session of yogic exercises by relaxing in this asana for about ten minutes to cool down the body.
* Persons who are tired after a sleepless night will feel refreshed if they do this asana for a few minutes at frequent intervals during the day. They will sleep well at night as deep relaxation helps to promote sounder sleep.
* A few minutes of psychosomatic relaxation in this asana is more beneficial for the body and mind than many hours of restless sleep.
* If Savasana is practiced for longer spells during the day at frequent and regular intervals, the hours of sleep during the night could be reduced. The need for daytime dozing will also decrease.
* By practicing this asana, any difficulty in going off to sleep can be overcome and the need for sedatives can be gradually reduced and finally eliminated as this asana is a natural tranquillizer.
* Savasana provides relief form various aches and pains.
* It gives relief during giddiness, nervousness and irritability.
* It alleviates headache, angina pectoris and dyspepsia.
* Relaxation in Savasana tames the mind and makes it calm and alert.
* It helps withdraw senses from their objects and makes concentration and meditation easy.
Shalabhasana - The Locust Pose
1. Lie flat on your abdomen and chest with the face downwards.
2. Keep the hips close to the floor and the legs straight and close to each other.
3. Keep your arms stretched back on the sides with palms turned upwards.
4. Relax.
5. Raise your head a little and place your chin on the floor.
6. Clench your fingers into fists and place them close to the thighs.
7. Keep the knees rigid and stiffen your arms and legs.
8. Inhale slowly and deeply and hold your breath.
9. Put mild pressure on the clenched fists and raise backward both legs together slowly as high as you can from the navel without raising the head or bending the knees.
10. Hold this position for a few seconds.
11. Exhaling, put mild pressure on the fists and lower the legs, slowly to the floor without bending the knees.
12. Relax.
* Aged and corpulent persons and beginners will find this asana difficult at first. They must not strain themselves to raise their legs very high from the floor. They must practice slowly according to their capacity, and each time they practice, they should try to lift the legs a little higher without strain and pause for a moment when they can go no further.
* One should practice Ardha Shalabhasana for a few weeks and strengthen their back and leg muscles before assuming the full posture which can be performed correctly only after long practice.
* Do not clench your fist too tight or too loose.
* Beginners may tuck in their fists under the thighs which will enable them to lift their legs higher and more easily.
* Breathing should be controlled while performing this asana.
* After completing Shalabhasana and before starting the next asana, relax completely in Savasana until breathing returns to normal.
* Persons with hernia, weak lungs and cardiac complaints should not practice the asana.
* Pregnant women should also not practice this asana.
* Shalabhasana is a good exercise for the legs, thighs, hips, buttocks, the lower abdomen, diaphragm and wrists.
* This yoga pose strengthens the muscles of the small of the back.
* Because of the deep inhalation and holding of the breath in this asana, the lungs expand and become strong and the chest broadens.
* The blood circulation improves.
* The asana directly massages the heart and improves its action.
* It greatly influences the activity of the adrenal and prostate glands and the reproductive organs and glands.
* The lower lumbar and sacral regions of the spine become more flexible and the lumbo-sacral nerves are toned tip.
* Shalabhasana corrects any faulty curvature in the base of the spinal column.
* It dissolves excess fat from the thighs, hips, waist, abdomen and the posterior.
* A protruding belly gets reduced and the waist becomes resilient and supple.
* Persons suffering from bronchitis get relief.
* This asana is used for the relief of rheumatic pain in the hips and knees.
* Practice of this asana alleviates oedema of the ankles and feet.
* This yoga pose benefits women through its effect on the ovaries and uterus, helping to correct disorders of these organs.
Siddhasana - The Pose of an Adept
"Siddha" means a spiritually enlightened person in Sanskrit.
1. Sit erect in Sukhasana.
2. Stretch out your legs.
3. Place the left heel against the perineum and the right heel above the root of the generative organ.
4. Insert the toes of both legs between the opposite thighs and calves.
5. Knees must touch the floor.
6. Head, neck and the spine should be kept erect.
* This asana is one of the classic meditative postures and is practiced mostly for its spiritual values.
* The advanced yogis favor it for practicing meditation Pranayamas.
Sirshasana - The Head Stand
1. Spread a cloth or blanket folded several times on the carpet to serve as a cushion or pad for your head.
2. Kneel down in front of the pad with only the toes and knees touching the ground.
3. Sit back between your heels.
4. Stoop forward, raising the haunches from the heels.
5. While doing so, bend your arms and place your elbows, forearms and hands on the pad on either side of your head.
6. Form a firm finger-lock to fit round the back of your head, palms facing inwards.
7. Bring the elbows in towards each other and make a convenient angle in front of you with the forearms and elbows.
8. Bend the head down perpendicularly and place the hind part of the crown of your head on the pad with the interlocked fingers pressing the back of your head.
9. Raise your knees, hips and the lower part of your trunk and straighten out your legs.
10. Bring the feet together.
11. Drag your feet slowly towards your face and balance your feet on tiptoe.
12. Knees should be close to the chest.
13. Pressing the toes, elbows, forearms and head against the floor, give a gentle kick and lift your feet together off the floor.
14. The thighs should be upright, the legs horizontal and the trunk perpendicular to the ground.
15. Keep the feet together and maintain balance.
16. Fold the legs back on the thighs.
17. Raise the folded legs and thighs till the thighs come parallel to the floor.
18. Straighten the back maintaining balance.
19. Straighten out the thighs fully in line with the trunk, with the legs still folded back on the thighs.
20. Open out your legs and stretch them up vertically.
21. Bring the legs together and maintain balance.
22. This is the final position.
23. Return to the starting position slowly in the reverse order.
24. Lie down in Savasana and allow your muscles to relax.
* This asana directly stimulates the pineal and the pituitary glands in the brain whose healthy functioning is essential proper metabolism.
* A regular practice of Sirshasana benefits the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory and endocrine systems.
* It also sharpens the sensitivity of the sense organs.
Sukhasana - The Comfortable Pose
1. Sit erect.
2. Stretch out your legs loosely in front of you.
3. Fold the left leg and draw in the foot towards the body. Raise the right knee and slide the left foot under the right thigh with the sole tilted up and touching the back of the right thigh near the knee.
4. Similarly, fold the right leg and draw in that foot towards the body. Raise the left knee and slide the right foot under the left calf (not thigh) with the sole tilted up and the edge of the foot supporting the left shin.
5. Rest the hands on the respective knees. Hold the head, neck and spine erect. Maintain this position as long as you like.
6. Stretch forward both the legs and release the posture.
7. The position of the right and the left legs could be interchanged.
* This is the easiest of all asanas and the simplest of the crossed-legged postures and can be practiced by all.
* This is a basic sitting posture. You may start your daily yogic practices by first sitting in this position.
* This is a very comfortable posture and you may remain in it for long periods of time without any discomfort in the legs or pain in the knee-joints. The entire body will be at ease.
Supta Udarakarshanasana - Lying Abdominal Twist
1. Lie on your back.
2. Spread your arms out, placing them on the floor, palms down.
3. Inhale.
4. Bend the right leg at the knee.
5. Place the right sole on the left thigh.
6. Exhale.
7. Using your left hand press down right knee to floor on the left.
8. Simultaneously, twist your head to gaze at the right hand.
9. Hold for a few seconds, without letting off the pressure on the bent knee, breathing evenly.
10. Release.
11. Repeat three to five times.
12. Relax.
13. Repeat entire sequence for the other side.
* Spinal nerves are toned, strengthening you emotionally.
* Legs are toned, helping in aligning posture.
* Metabolism is tweaked, due to the massaging pressure on abdomen, aiding weight loss.
* Waist and hips are trimmed.
* It helps regularize bowel movements and prepares the body for the day ahead.
Supta Vajrasana - The Reclining Vajrasana Pose
1. Sit in Vajrasana.
2. Lean back slowly from the waist with the support of your elbows till your head, shoulders and back touch the ground in easy stages without raising your knees from the floor or changing the position of the legs.
3. Allow your back to come close to the ground and lie supine.
4. Cross the arms and place the palms beneath the opposite shoulders so that the crossed wrists serve as a cushion for the head.
5. Keep the knees together and touching the ground.
6. Close your eyes.
7. Catch hold of the ankles and return slowly to the starting position in the reverse order with the help of the elbows.
All the benefits of Vajrasana accrue from this asana also.
* The importance of Supta Vajrasana lies in the fact that it exerts pressure on the utero-abdominal and genitourinary organs. This gives a better muscular tone and brings in a fresh supply of blood to the abdominal viscera, particularly to the kidneys, liver, pancreas and bowels.
* It stimulates the adrenal glands through pressure in the small of the back.
* In the final position, the muscles of the spine, abdomen, pelvis, thighs and legs are stretched fully which tones them up.
* It improves circulation of blood in the thighs, backside, knees and neck.
* It has a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs and the gonads.
* The asana expands the chest and increases the mobility of the thorax.
Talasana - The Palm-Tree Pose
1. Stand erect.
2. Keep your feet slightly turned out and sufficiently apart according to your height and build. Look straight ahead.
3. Inhaling, slowly raise your arms overhead with the palms facing each other.
4. Raise your heels slowly, keeping your balance.
5. Lift yourself on your toes slowly until you stand on tiptoe.
6. Exhale slowly and keep balance.
7. Inhale slowly again.
8. Balancing the body on tiptoe, pull up and stretch your arms upwards from the shoulder-blades with the fingers outstretched.
9. Raise your heels also simultaneously as high as possible and stretch your body to the maximum.
10. Stretch your neck and head backwards and look up.
11. Hold your breath and keep your balance. Keep yourself firmly in this position as long as you can hold your breath comfortably.
12. Exhaling, relax the body and return to the starting position by slowly lowering the arms and heels simultaneously, bending the neck and head forward.
* Talasana fully stretches the upper portion of the body.
* It stretches the spine vertically in particular and straightens out unnatural curves if any.
* By practicing this asana, the body becomes well-built, well-proportioned, nimble and agile.
* It expands the ribcage and increases the capacity of the lungs.
* It firms up the respiratory muscles and the muscles of he neck, lower back, abdomen and pelvis.
Trikonasana - The Triangle Pose
1. Stand erect. Keep the feet sufficiently apart.
2. Inhaling, raise and stretch out your arms sideways to shoulder level and parallel to the floor with palms facing downward.
3. Exhale slowly and breathe normally a few times.
4. Take a deep breath.
5. Exhaling slowly, rotate the trunk and head together from the waistline all the way around to the left without moving the feet or changing the position of the arms, and complete the exhalation. Hold this position for a few seconds while holding out your breath.
6. Hold this position for a few seconds while holding out your breath.
7. Take a deep breath again.
8. Exhaling slowly, extend your right arm downward towards the left big toe without bending the knees. While the right arm is moving downward, bend down your head and trunk slowly to the left from the waist.
9. Rest the fingertips of the right hand on the left big toe.
10. Raise and stretch your left arm straight up and bring it in line with your lowered right arm, keeping the left palm turned inwards.
11. Holding out your breath, turn your head to the left and look up quickly at the fingertips of your left hand.
12. Still holding out the breath, again turn your head downwards and look down quickly on the left big toe and look up at the fingertips of the raised hand a second time.
13. Maintain this position as long as you can comfortably hold out your breath.
14. Inhaling, release the right hand, twist the trunk and head back and rise up slowly to the erect standing position, lowering the left arm to the shoulder level and rotating the right arm sideways up to shoulder level in a wide circle.
15. Exhale slowly and take a few normal breaths.
16. Repeat the whole exercise, twisting the trunk and head to the right.
* The movements must be very slow and rhythmical.
* Keep the knees and elbows straight throughout this asana.
* Bend only to the sides. While bending, the trunk must not sway forward. Your hips should not move so that the pull comes from your waist. Do not twist the trunk or hips.
* While bending, your feet should not slip.
* Bend the trunk little by little by sliding the palm lower and lower towards the foot, going a little further each time you practice. The movement must be continuous without interruption at any stage.
* Shift the weight of the body to the left when your left arm slides down on the left leg, and vice versa.
* If you cannot touch the ankle-joint, hold on to any portion of the leg as near to it as you can manage.
* It removes tension from the neck and the side muscles and opens up the chest and expands it.
* It exercises the hips and the buttocks.
* This asana reduces excess fat in the abdomen, waist and hips and massages that area of the flank where fat accumulates. It thus gives the body a graceful form with minimum effort.
* It increases the flexibility of the waist and the hip joints.
* It benefits women by slimming the waistline and giving shape and grace to the hipline besides exercising the pectoral muscles which hold the breasts in position.
* This is an excellent exercise for correcting a faulty posture and for making the body well-proportioned.
* Persons who have to sit for long periods at the workplace will find this posture invigorating, if it is practiced during the period of work.
* Practicing Trikonasana regularly improves the appetite. It also helps digestion and the assimilation of food.
* It relieves constipation by invigorating the peristaltic action of the bowels.
* It will help a person to attain full stature.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - The Upward-facing dog pose
1. Lie on your stomach and place your chin on the floor.
2. Place your feet close to each other with your palms flat on ground, on either side of your chest.
3. Inhale and hoist yourself off the floor, with the body supported only by palms and toes.
4. The knees and stomach should be lifted off the floor.
5. Continue breathing normally while making the following adjustments.
6. Arms should be straight; this deepens the arch at the lower back.
7. Head tilts back, further deepening the arch.
8. Hold this pose as long as comfortably possible, breathing normally.
9. Release and relax to the starting position with while exhaling.
* Person with weak or injured wrists or lower back pain should not perform this pose.
* It is a powerful stamina-builder.
* It tones the arms, spinal nerves (elevating mood and mental control) and legs superbly.
* Removes wrinkles from neck and face.
* Improves voice and balances thyroid hormone flow.
* The pose boosts respiratory capacity and is therapeutic in digestive problems (like constipation, sluggish metabolism), diabetes and uro-genital problems.
Ushtrasana - The Camel Pose
1. Assume the kneeling position.
2. Keep the knees shoulder-width apart and the big toes about eight inches apart. Only your knees and toes should touch the floor.
3. Place the posterior between the heels and sit comfortably.
4. Grasp the heels with the corresponding hands.
5. Press the heels with your palms.
6. Inhale and exhale a few times.
7. Inhaling, raise your posterior off your heels and come up on your knees and toes.
8. Pulling the shoulders back, push the hips forward.
9. Exhaling, raise the chest and bend the trunk and head back as far as you can, curving the spine backwards.
10. Keep the arms straight.
11. Turn your face towards the sky.
12. Complete the exhalation and take a few deep breaths.
13. Invert the feet and place the toes and the upper part of the feet flat on the floor.
14. Slide your hands down and grasp each ankle with the corresponding hand.
15. Bend backwards further on the arms and make a curvature of the body by arching the spine and neck.
16. Maintain this posture, breathing deeply and rhythmically, until strain is felt.
17. Inhaling, release the hands and return slowly to the upright kneeling position.
18. Resume the sitting position between the heels and then the original sitting position.
* The alternate flexion and extension of the spine in this asana makes it more flexible and particularly so, the lumbar area.
* It improves the tone of the muscles and nerves attached to the entire spine besides the deep muscles of the thighs, trunk, neck and face.
* It expands the lungs to their maximum capacity and develops the ribcage.
* The elasticity of the diaphragm also improves.
Utkatasana - The Half-Squat Pose
1. Stand erect, keeping the feet apart at a slight angle to each other.
2. Stretch out your arms in front of your chest at shoulder level with palms turned down.
3. Inhaling, raise your body slowly until you stand on tiptoe.
4. Keep your balance.
5. Keeping the trunk and head erect, lower you body very slowly while exhaling till the back of your thighs press against the respective calves.
6. Exhaling, raise the right shoulder and bend the trunk and head together along with the raised right arm sideways to the left till the right arm is parallel to the floor.
7. Squat on your heels, without lowering the latter to the ground.
8. Squat erect on your toes and keep balance.
9. Spread the knees apart and keep them parallel to the floor.
10. Rest the palms on the respective knees and find your balance.
11. Bring the knees closer and stretch out the arms straight again in front of your chest.
12. Inhaling, rise up slowly on tiptoe, keeping your trunk and head straight, until you are standing on tiptoe.
13. Exhale.
14. Return to the starting position with the foot flat on the floor.
* This asana provides good exercise to the lower portion of the body, particularly the muscles of the hips, thighs, calves, ankles and feet.
* The tendons at the back of the legs are stretched.
* It also strengthens the toes and the muscles which support the arches of the feet.
* It loosens stiff knees and hip-joints and enhances their mobility.
Uttanapadasana - The Raised-leg Pose
1. Lie down on the back with legs together, straight extended, the toes erect and hands straight and palms resting on the floor to acquire the supine pose.
2. Exhale and inhaling start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle of 90 degree with the floor.
3. Keep the sight at the toes of the feet.
4. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.
5. While raising the legs, keep both legs straight and close together.
6. Keep the toes together and stretched pointing upwards.
7. In the beginning, try to maintain this for 5 to 10 seconds.
8. While releasing, inhale and exhaling, bring both the legs down, back on to the floor.
Variation: "Ekapada uttanapadasana" is a variation. In this all the steps are similar except that its done with one leg raised at a time.
* All kind of jerks and movements of legs should be avoided.
* There is high chance of straining muscles, so all movements should be controlled while performing this pose.
* Take care that the full length of your back is resting on the floor and your shoulders and neck are relaxed.
* It promotes in stretching the thigh and stomach muscles.
* It also promoted the efficiency of stomach organs like the small intestine, enzymes producing glands and various others.
* The vertical position of legs helps in proper blood circulation through the legs.
* It strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles.
* It trims the waist and thighs.
Vajrasana - The Adamant Pose
1. Sit erect in Sukhasana.
2. Stretch out the legs in front of you.
3. Fold the legs back one by one along the respective thighs.
4. Drawing in the feet one by one, place them by the sides of the posterior with soles upturned.
5. The posterior should be planted firmly on the floor between the upturned heels. Toes should point to each other behind the posterior.
6. Bring the knees close to each other.
7. Rest the palms on the respective knees.
8. Sit erect and look straight ahead.
Variation: Instead of keeping the upturned feet on the sides of the posterior, place the heels beneath the posterior so that you sit back in between the heels with the big toes crossing each other. The posterior rests between the inner edges of the upturned heels and does not touch the ground. The rest of the practice is the same.
* Vajrasana loosens the stiff joints and ligaments of the legs and strengthens the hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, insteps and toes.
* It firms up and strengthens the muscles of the vertebral column.
* It also strengthens the pelvic region.
* It holds the abdominal organs in their correct position.
* It reduces excess fat in the thighs.
* The spine will be kept erect in this posture.
Vakrasana - The Twisted Pose
1. Sit on the floor with both legs stretched out together, toes erect, spine erect and both hands straight and palms resting on the floor.
2. Bend the left leg at the knee and place its heel near the thigh.
3. Keep the sole of the left foot flat on the floor and the thigh and knee touching to the chest.
4. Place the left hand in front of the right hand in such a way that the fingers of both the palms face each other and the palms remain flat on the floor.
5. Now turn the neck and the trunk to the right, twisting the spine and look back above the shoulder. Continue smooth breathing.
6. In this asana the spine is to be kept straight.
7. The lower end of the spine and both the hips be placed well on the floor and stabilize them.
8. Then with the support of the neck and shoulders twist the upper vertebrae to the right. At the same time, the standing knee is kept close to the chest.
9. Along with the neck, the sight should also be turned to the right side and stabilize it in that direction.
10. While releasing, first turn the neck to the front.
11. Restore the hand to its place.
12. Straighten the left leg and take the sitting position.
13. This asana should be retained for minimum two minutes on each side. With more practice this duration can be increased to six minutes.
* Attaining the perfect posture at the end chance should be avoided as it may strain severely.
* You can attain the perfect posture gradually by practicing daily. Therefore a gradual development of attaining the correct pose is recommendable, rather than attaining it in the first place and straining yourself badly.
* It gives the spine a nice lateral stretch, increasing spinal elasticity.
* Also improves side-to-side mobility & decreases backaches and hip pain.
* It helps to contracts and tones the liver, spleen and intestines.
* It helps to reduce abdominal size.
* It improves the nervous system, prevents calcification at the base of the spine and frees the joints.
Veerasana - The Warrior Pose
1. Stand straight in the resting before you start with the pose.
2. Put your left foot forward and stretch it on the floor to the maximum from the initial place.
3. Bring both the hands together, join the palms and place them on the knees of the left leg.
4. Bend the left leg at the knee in such a way that the thigh and the calf come in 90 degrees.
5. Keep the right leg straight.
6. Raise the joined hands up and take them back above the head and then without bending the hands in the elbows, bend the head backward and keep the sight backward down.
7. The front leg should be bent in 90 degrees angle and the back leg should be straight.
8. Keep the toes frontward.
9. The back leg, the back, the neck and both the hands form a very good arch in this position and this forming of arch is desirable, too.
10. The body should be weighed backward and keeping the arms near the ears, the neck should also be bent downwards.
11. Start bringing the body forward and place the hands on the knee. Look in the front.
12. Straighten the knee and restore the hands to their original place.
13. Restore the left leg to its place and take up standing position.
14. Repeat the same with the right leg.
* This posture strengthens the legs, arms, shoulders, back and stamina.
* It opens the hips and chest and maintains a balance.
* The lower back gets enough relaxation as the legs are spread to take the weight of the body.
* It makes the legs stronger.
* The elasticity of the spinal cord functions better.
* It also improves coordination among different parts of the body.
* It helps to develop concentration.
Viparita Karani - The Inverted Pose
1. Lie flat on your back and keep your legs together.
2. Keep your arms on their respective sides.
3. Inhaling, press your palms down and raise your legs slowly together.
4. Without bending the knees or raising the hands till they are perpendicular to the floor.
5. Exhale Completely.
6. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
7. While exhaling, press the palms down again and without bending the knees or raising the head, move the legs towards the head.
8. While doing this, raise the hips and the small of the back also from the floor and curve up the lower part of the spine.
9. Bring the legs parallel to the Root.
10. Take a deep breath and breathe normally a few times.
11. Bend the arms at the elbows and support the slanted trunk with the palms which should press the upper portion of the posterior on each side.
12. Inhaling, bring back the legs again perpendicular to the floor, using the elbows as a fulcrum.
13. Exhale and breathe normally.
14. Keep the knees straight and the feet together.
15. Fix your gaze on the tips of the big toes.
16. Maintain this position for about three minutes.
17. Return to the starting position in the reverse order.
* One who practices this Mudra regularly becomes healthy and strong and attains longevity due to the secretions of the thyroid, pituitary, gonad and adrenal glands which are stimulated by this practice.
* This posture promotes inner harmony through the regulation of pelvic circulation and increasing the supply of blood to the thorax, brain, face and neck.
Vrikshasana - The Tree Pose
1. Stand erect.
2. Keep the feet together and the knees straight with arms on the respective sides.
3. Without bending the left knee, lift the right foot and grasp the ankle with the right hand.
4. Fold the right leg double at the knee-joint.
5. Without losing your balance, place the right heel at the top of the left thigh, using both hands. The right sole must press the inside of the left thigh with the toes pointing downwards. The folded leg must be at right angle to the other leg and both thighs must be in alignment. Balance yourself on the left leg.
6. Join the palms and fingers and touch the middle of the chest. Fingers should point upwards.
7. Keeping your hands together, raise them slowly a little above your head. Keep the arms slightly bent.
8. Stretch up and stand erect. Keep your balance. Look straight ahead and be relaxed.
9. Lower the hands slowly to the middle of the chest again.
10. Return to the starting position, lowering your right leg.
11. Practice reversing the legs.
* The joints of the legs, knees and ankles become flexible by the regular practice of this asana. It also loosens the pelvis.
* It tones up the leg muscles and strengthens the arches, tendons and ligaments in the feet.
* Numbness and rheumatic pain in the legs will be alleviated.
* Neuromuscular coordination can be gained by the regular practice of this asana.
Asus Intros the Express Gate-Powered F8 Notebook
Asus has done well with this new notebook with both hardware and software making this one to one of the best. Firstly the Express Gate, a special built-in OS make it to have only 8-second boot-up time. Moreover it has useful applications such as web browser, instant messenger, Skype, photo manager and music player.
ASUS F8 powered by a dedicated higher performance 3D graphics core for excellent performance in fast-action 3D games, it also features a built-in TV tuner with a remote control that is safely stored in its own slot on the notebook when not in use. With TV, videos, music and games on offer, the F8 is a compact all-in-one entertainment machine.
F8Vr Specifications:
Intel Centrino 2 processor technology
-Intel Core™2 Duo Processors T9400/P8600/P8400/P7350
-Mobile Intel PM 45 Express Chipset with ICH9M
-Intel WiFi Link 5100
Genuine Windows Vista
- Genuine Ultimate
- Genuine Business
- Genuine Home Premium/Home basic
DDR2 800 MHz, up to 4GB
14.1" WXGA+/WXGA Color Shine LCD; ASUS Splendid Video Intelligence Technology
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470, with Ext 256MB VRAM
SATA 160/200/250/320GB
1.3M Pixels 240° swivel webcam
34 x 24.4 x 3.72cm, 2.6kg (6-cell battery pack)
TomTom GO 940 LIVE Leaks
The TomTom GO 940 LIVE is an upgrade of TomTom GO 930. With this new upgrade you will find Enhanced Positioning Technology, IQ routes, Lane Assist and Google Search. User can use GSM connection to access Google Search from the GPS. Bad thing is that it will be available for around $870 US, quite high. No word on when it will start shipping.
New Archos 5, 7 Internet Media Tablets Now Available for Sale
Amazon has brought the Archos 5, 7 Internet Media Tablets on its list. The Archos 5 has a 4.8-inch display. It comes with 60GB model for $349.99, $349.99 model for $399.99 and 250GB model for $449.99.
The Archos 7 comes with a 7-inch TFT LCD screen. Available in 160GB model and 320GB model for $449.99 and $549.99 respectively.
KAON's KM35 PMP Shakes with Anywhere TV and Internet
You may surprise with this new PMP from Korea that you can use it for TV and Internet anywhere for 2.5-hours battery life. It has a 3.5-inch 320 x 240 resolution display which is good enough. You will find 4GB or 8GB NAND flash drive, WiFi, an SD expansion slot, optional FM tuner and your choice of DVB-T/H, ISDB-T or T-DMB TV tuners. No word on pricing and availability.
PURE Intros Pure Evoke Flow Wireless Internet Radio
A New Instant Camera from Polaroid
It's very likely a new Polaroid camera is in the works according to Wired who spotted a very interesting article on Amateur Photographer asking its readers to help Polaroid design a new digital camera with an built-in printer. Whether the new Polaroid camera will be as bulky as the old one is unknown, but the company is seeking reader feedback on whether this new version should include an external battery, a hotshoe for an external flash, and a higher pixel count.
The UK magazine doesn't seem to have too many details regarding the project, but it does say the instant digicam will feature the same technology found in the recently launched Polaroid PoGo Instant Mobile Printer which uses Bluetooth and a USB connection to print photos stored in mobile devices.
Besides being able to take pictures, one of the main differences between the PoGo Instant Mobile Printer and the Polaroid PoGo ProSeries camera (as it's being called), will be the large 4 x 3 inch prints it will produce which are closer in size to the original Polaroid photos we all know and loved.
The camera is slated for release next year and strangely enough, its target market will be "professional and business users," although I doubt that will be the case once it comes out. Apparently, a lower end, more affordable ZINK-enabled camera that produces 2 x 3 inch prints is also in the works, so keep an eye on that too.
It all sounds like a great idea but it will be a tough sell in a day and age when you can instantly publish your photos online or at the local supermarket.
TrekStor Unveils New MP3 Players at IFA
TrekStor will be presenting its latest developments in the field of MP3 players and unveiling the i.Beat organix 2.0, TrekStor vibez Flash and i.Beat nova at this year’s IFA (Aug. 29 - Sep. 03) in Berlin in the TrekStor Entertainment Hall 10.1. The i.Beat organix 2.0 is based on the same quality and design principles as the i.Beat organix but, with 55 hours’ battery life, offers even longer listening pleasure than its predecessor. The TrekStor vibez Flash is the technological successor of the hard disk version. As flash variant, the design award winning MP3 player can store up to 32 gigabytes (GB). The i.Beat nova in convenient USB stick format is available with 2, 4 and 8 GB memory.
Its MP3 player i.Beat organix, culminating in the i.Beat organix 2.0 which now allows up to 55 hours’ uninterrupted music bliss. It also comes with the coveted SRS® WOW technology for superior tone quality and two headphone jacks. One of the headphone sockets can be used alternatively as a line-in input for recording from other audio devices. The Player is also DRM9 and DRM10 enabled, making it possible to play music rented or purchased over the Internet. It is available in black, white, silver and green, and with 4 and 8 GB memory.
The TrekStor vibez was decorated with the red dot design award in 2007 thanks to its unusual visual features. It successor - which uses flash memory technology to make the new player even more robust - also comes with a music library and integrated DJ mode that autonomously suggests songs based on past listening habits. The cross fading function allows users to switch smoothly from one track to the next. In addition to this, the new TrekStor vibez Flash is also DRM9 and DRM10 enabled. It has an exchangeable power pack, programmable buttons and is available with 8, 16 or 32 GB memory.
The i.Beat nova is a small MP3 player in sportive, trendy design with an extremely sharp OLED display, music library, a line in jack, voice recording function and integrated rechargeable battery. Also being DRM9 and DRM10 enabled this Player also is making it possible to play music rented or purchased over the Internet
T-Mobile's New Promotion Will Offer Free Samsung Phones
You can get the Samsung T229, Samsung T429 or the Samsung T339 for free for a new contract or phone upgrade. The Samsung T819 is free too after a $100 mail-in-rebate. The Samsung T639, Samsung Blast and the Samsung Katalyst are also free after a mail-in-rebate $50 rebate.
Gampark's GP2X Wiz Handheld Is Now Available
It is time now that we can see the Gampark's GP2X Wiz Handheld is available. This red and black handheld comes with the price tag of $179. It features a 2.8-inch QVGA OLED screen, 33MHz ARM9 processor, 64MB of RAM, 16GB of flash and up to 5 hour battery life. It will start shipping this October 8th.
Teddy Bear USB Drive Funny - But Head?
Epson Announced the MovieMate 55 Projectors
Epson has announced its new MovieMate 55 for its Combo Projectors Lineup. It is a convenient home entertainment in the living room or out door. It features a DVD/CD player, two built-in 8 watt 5.1 Dolby Digital DTS speakers, E-TORL lamp providing a brightness of 1,200 lumens and 3LCD Technology which offers full-time color for brilliant quality images without the possibility of color break-up.
Available this October for 480€.
Gigabyte Unveils Core i7 Prototype Motherboard
Dell's Inspiron 13 Get Reviewed
You may be trying to go around for a good Dell for order and you many be trying to get this Inspiron 13. Notebookreview has spotted this Inspiron 13 with its specs. Starting price is less than $700 which is good price for starters especially students.
Take a look at the specs:
* Screen: 13.3" WXGA TrueLife Glossy
* Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 (1.86GHz, 533FSB, 1MB Cache)
* Memory: 2GB RAM
* Storage: 160GB HDD (5400rpm)
* Optical Drive: DVD+/-RW
* Wireless: 802.11b/g
* Graphics: Intel X3100 Integrated Graphics
* Built-in web camera
* Battery: 11.1V 56Wh
* Dimensions: 12.52" x 9.37" x 1"/1.51"
* Weight: 4lbs 13.5oz
* Retail Price: $698
Canon Announces SELPHY ES3, ES30 Compact Photo Printers
A 3.5-inch LCD monitor can be found on the Canon SELPHY ES3 while the SELPHY ES30 Compact Photo Printer comes equipped with a 3.0-inch high-resolution LCD monitor.
Available for $199.99 (the SELPHY ES3), and $149.99 (the SELPHY ES30).
ViewSonic Unveils a 120Hz LCD Computer Display
ViewSonic unveils its first 120Hz desktop LCD technology at NVIDIA’s NVISION 08 event in San Jose, Calif. The 22-inch 120Hz prototype delivers rich, colorful, blur-free video performance on traditional gaming, entertainment and graphic applications, while also delivering eye-popping stereoscopic 3D when used with NVIDIA’s GeForce Stereoscopic 3D gaming technology.
The display offers excellent front-of-screen performance, including Professional Color Certification, 1680x1050 resolution, 300 nits of high brightness and 1000:1 contrast ratio, as well as wide viewing angles for getting the most out of fast action games, downloaded video content and full-length movies. When coupled with NVIDIA’s GeForce Stereoscopic 3D technology, the ViewSonic 120Hz display provides game enthusiasts with realistic depth, intense motion, rich graphics and detailed images that literally leap off the screen.
AT&T iPhone 3G data tethering plan could be in the works
Apple may just be working on an official solution that would allow iPhone 3G users to use their 3G connection on their laptop or desktop. Apple recently pulled the NetShare application from the AppStore. The iPhone app allowed users to tether their iPhone to their computers, but once AT&T realized they were losing out on potential revenue, the application disappeared from the AppStore.
The app-killing move angered one iPhone 3G customer so much that he wrote Apple-head Steve Jobs an email complaining that a data-tethering option was not available for the iPhone or iPhone 3G. Steve Jobs reportedly wrote back, saying that Apple was working with AT&T to roll out an official iPhone data tethering plan add-on. To be clear, you can tether your jailbroken iPhone to your laptop with a bit of elbow-grease and technical know-how. But, without an official, point-and-click solution, many iPhone users will be left in want of a tethering plan.
The alleged email from Steve Jobs looks to be legit, but hasn’t been confirmed as authentic. Still, the launch of an iPhone tethering plan makes sense. It would allow AT&T to cash in on mobile road warriors with iPhone 3G’s in tow, and would allow Apple to appease the iPhone 3G-toting masses with a tethering option.
Fashion Shoes. What should we expect from the next season?
Designers, especially Mark Jacobs and Prada tried to create art-objects of footwear, which you can wear in in theory, but it's better simply to admire them. Those shoes are proving female's royalty and the right to be capricious. Such girls just stamp their little feet, sponges blows, order and stay in an eternal reflection. And fashionable footwear is their best ally.
FashionTime has revealed 9 attributes of fashionable footwear:
1. All kinds of footwear have a tankette or a platform.
2. Extremely high heels (10-12 cm).
3. The narrow noses.
4. Shoes let you "to show" the world your fashionable leggings or knitted stockings, besides they are very functional and will look perfectly even with a dress.
5. With gaiters or leggings you can wear new-pumps, the most fashionable of them are with leopard print and "French finger ".
6. Orthopedic footwear. The rule is: the more original design, the more fashionable. The best illustrators are Marc Jacobs (with a gold tankette), Louis Vuitton (with boots on a wavy platform), Jil Sander (classic men's boots on a platform), Prada, Balenciaga.
7. The colors are grey, black, red, metallic. A structure: a varnish, textiles, exotic animals' leather. Print: leopard, cell.
8. High jackboots, we should wear with short dresses.
9. Extremely sexual shoes, similar to striptease footwear, we should combine them with easy Look dress.
Shoes with the srtasses, the oblique heels, tankettes without a platform is footwear that you should avoide the next season. If you like decorations, use lists, fur pompons and metal buckles and rivets.
The designers confidently tell us, that the fashion is not going to back in habitual channel. So you should better buy platforms, tankettes and very high heels for the future. In fact besides the basic duties they are called to counterbalance volumetric clothes (skirts, sleeves, A-silhouettes). Everything is interconnected.
Underwear. Not only fashion but healthy!
I always say that the rule when it comes to thongs is this: Anything with a string is for special occasions only. The same goes for shiny, inflexible fabric. While these design features work great for increasing the heat inside the bedroom, they also increase the heat that’s on your genitals! Fabric that doesn’t move or breathe creates an environment that breeds bacteria and infection. Strings or other parts that chafe can cause irritation (and transport bacteria from one part to another, know what I mean?).
However, there can be a happy medium between this and your cotton bloomers. Good underwear can be pretty, too. Just check out the Hanky Panky line of colorful, lace thongs and panties or the Lisa Masterson. The key is that the fabric moves with you and all styles have cotton crotches, with no strings attached!
Friday, August 29, 2008
BAGGING the latest It-accessory just isn't enough anymore: this season is all about the limited edition shoe. As well as planning the April opening of his new store on Hans Street, Knightsbridge, Rupert Sanderson has created Carmen. Sanderson joins Manolo Blahnik, who is currently designing two unique shoes for his new Kuwait boutique (for more details, click here); Christian Louboutin, who has made Activa, a midnight blue stiletto, exclusively for Harvey Nichols, and Burberry, who got in on the act with an ostrich-trim slingback for Matches. The king of elegant heels, Sanderson decided on a gold leather sandal knotted at the toe for Carmen. "My inspiration can come from anywhere from the most mundane to the most luxurious and rarefied," says Sanderson. "In the case of the Carmen 'knot shoe' my imagination was sparked by the knot of a Judo suit - the rows of stitching in this instance used to add strength to a garment worn in one of the world's most physical sports translated into a striking detail on a luxurious evening shoe. Limited edition shoes work as promotional tool both in a design and retail sense. There is a strong demand for exclusivity, customers want to feel that they have something special - something that isn't available in unlimited quantities."PIA'S ARM CANDY
News!Penelope Cruz collection!
In the Jeans:Fashion & Comfort
Keep up at the back, denim is about to move on again. Just as you've found your comfort zone of skinny Baxters and ballerinas, along comes a brace of new cuts to challenge your look. Just how did we get here? One minute jeans were simply workwear for miners and loggers, the next they're the height of glamour and we're not even blinking at the idea of Ј150 jeans. Actually, hang on a minute, jeans have been around since the '1800s so perhaps its not so inconceivable that fashion has moved on. From cowboys and rebellious screen idols, to the laidback '60s, it wasn't until rule-breaker Yves Saint Laurent used denim as part of his luxurious ready-to-wear collections in 1969 and his denim trouser suits became the sexy choice of the androgynous style set that denim became dressy, paving the way for the designer jeans of Gloria Vanderbilt and Calvin Klein. These mixed messages underlined the rebellious cool associated with denim.
What next?
Bright and beautiful
Hey boyfriend!