Saturday, August 23, 2008

Web browser now in privacy mode

Microsoft Corporation, the software giant is going to launch its latest version of web browser ‘Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0’ which first beta version ‘beta1’ has already been launched and second beta version ‘beta2’ is expected to come by the end of this year, as per market reports.

As per a recent official blog post, Microsoft said privacy as one of the major concern in browsing and the company is planning to add ‘privacy mode’ in the forthcoming version of IE8. This will allow user to restrict the leakage of knowledge that stores in history, cache memory and cookies and can be accessed later when user close the browser or even shut down the computer.

But, in the latest upcoming beta version, users would be able to delete all files containing private information and contents whether user’s computer is in the share mode or not. Besides, IE8 would also inform the users if someone tries to track the user’s computer, the sources said.

This move of Microsoft may lead the users to surf pornographic websites that is easily associated with the concept of privacy browsing, however, this can also be used for other tasks like to research a particular medical condition, or plan a surprise vacation or birthday party for a loved one etc on a personal note.

Earlier, Apple had already launched this facility in its web browser ‘Safari’ in which user can clear all the data that can be restored or accessed later.

Firefox, as per the sources, was also planning to launch this facility in its latest version of Firefox 3.0 but dropped it due to some reasons; however, it still provides the facility to delete the history, clear the cache memory and cookies in Firefox 3.0.

Firefox may also include this facility in its upcoming version of ‘Firefox 3.1’ to compete with IE8.

Microsoft Corporation has however not commented so far about this so called ‘information’ but if it comes in the market it will definitely enhance the market share of Microsoft because ‘who wants to be exposed?’

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