Monday, December 1, 2008

Motorola mtac Elite

Show IMEI code

If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone,
simply press:
* # 06 #
you'll read it on display.

Test Mode

To enter in Nam programming Mode, press:
[arrow up]
000000000000 (12 times zero)
now display shows the first step of NAM programming;
simply enter data and move to the next step using:
* (the same key of [left arrow])

Software version

To see software version of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground
with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:
Power ON the phone
and type:
now display is showing software version of your phone.

Serial Number

To see the serial number of your phone you need to short-circuit antenna ground
with the two nearest pin together in the connector located under the phone. then:

Power ON the phone

and type:

now display is showing the first pair of digits, then go ahead using

* (the same key of [left arrow])

to show the second pair and so on.

Pin Out

The pins are numbered 1 thru 10 from right to left
ANT- (O) | | | | | | | | | |

1) Audio Ground
2) Ext b+
3) T Data
4) C Data
5) R Data
6) Logic Ground
7) Audio Out - on/off
8) Audio In
9) Manual Test
10) Battery Feedback

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